Fix awful online meetings.
You can do better by using the short, practical tips in this book!
Mastering Online Meetings is a collection of short and simple solutions from my 40+years of teaching facilitators how to transform meetings into productive work time—but adapted for the challenges of online meetings. With these easy-to-use, actionable tips you will create online meetings that work. This book covers what you can do before, during, and after a meeting to engage participants and produce online meetings that get results.
Being known as someone who keeps the meeting on track
can quickly establish your reputation as a leader.
Are you ready to improve your online meetings?
Hi, I'm Mike Fraidenburg
I’m the author of Mastering Online Meetings and the owner of The Cooperation Company, a firm that helps people transform conflict into cooperation.
In my workshop on Facilitating Effective Meetings, participants routinely complain about the large number of crummy online meetings they attend. So, I decided to write this book! It emphasizes easy, actionable tips, that are based on best management practices for leading productive meetings. If you want advice that focuses on applied techniques, this book is right for you.